Monday, December 15, 2014

12/15 update

As of December 15th I have not reinvested much and have held a steady worth of 127,460.76 I invested in amazon for black friday and got a bit more from that. So that was fun!!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27 portfolio

After selling a bunch of stocks short I had a significant amount of money to spend in addition to the original ten thousand. I then reinvested into a company with a very very small price per share, at the time around 34 cents, and bought one hundred thousand shares from that company. What was odd about that company is that they had stock prices around 127$ per share a few months before. The price increased to around .74 by the beginning of this week. It closed Friday at a significantly higher price and would have brought the market value of my portfolio 13 thousand higher than if I sold the shares today.

Monday, October 20, 2014

10/20/14 Portfolio Progress

As of today I have a total return % of 111% or around 13 thousand dollars! ITT Tech has grown an immense amount over the past week. The company has caused nearly all of the growth over the last week. Whats odd is that over the past year, an article states that ITT has been in a fairly rapid decline with drops upwards of 8%-10% in student enrollment, new students, and even revenue. Where this growth spurt came from I will never know but I jumped on that train at the right time.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Patrick's Portfolio Blog

Today I bought stocks from NVIDIA, qualcomm, and Oracle Corporation. These are companies that are somewhat involved in the mobile device market which seems to be growing significantly currently.